Trees That Feed Foundation

See Our Trees in Uganda and Beyond

A breadfruit tree planted at St. Teresa Buyege Primary School in southern Uganda by TriTrees

Some may think tree planting is a drop-a-seed-and-go scenario. Not so for Trees That Feed Foundation! We follow our babies through fruiting and beyond. TTFF uses various tactics to keep our trees alive.

First off, we partner with nurseries who grow and harden plantlets. They have good leaf and root development and the best shot at survival. Many fruits – like breadfruit – don’t even have seeds and are challenging to propagate. Read about propagation techniques here.

Kamya Musigire collecting breadfruit trees from Cycling Out of Poverty’s nursery in Jinja, Uganda

Next, we are careful to whom we distribute trees. Our request form includes questions about the prospective planter’s water source, elevation, and whether he or she lives on the property. We often reach out and ask for plans of action, such as how to keep the goats away.

The final step is ongoing. When the trees are planted, we require farmers and other growers to track them using Greenstand’s Treetracker app. That allows us to view the trees online from satellite photos.

And guess what? You can too!

Thousands of fruit trees planted around the Bugungu Wildlife Reserve and Karuma Game Reserve by Uganda Conservation Foundation in the north

You, our supporters, can see exactly where your donations go by visiting Click on “Let’s Find a Tree,” then our logo, and click the numbers to zoom in.  Read more about tracking our trees around the globe.

For example, in Uganda right now, Andrew Ireland of TriTrees is planting fruit trees around schools. He is using the Treetracker app, and we are following along in Chicago excitedly. Likewise, Harriett Kayeny, who works with our partner Michael Keigwin of Uganda Conservation Foundation, is tracking the trees they plant around wildlife preserves. See how we’re progressing in Uganda here.

So far, 20,000 of our fruit trees have been tracked!

TTFF values accountability! We are grateful to our growers for following our protocol and sharing their progress with us. And we are ever thankful for each person who believes in and supports our mission.

2 thoughts on “See Our Trees in Uganda and Beyond

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We are pleased to be able to help the people of Uganda and other countries also.

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