Trees That Feed Foundation


Trees That Feed also offers education about trees! We have tools to bring education to those that may not have access, providing practical skill to both adults and children, as well as a fun educational coloring book to keep young minds engaged!

TTFF provides education about trees
Learning how to propagate breadfruit trees in Haiti

At TTFF we donate trees, equipment, and meals, but equally important is teaching. Our long term work is training, educating, and teaching within communities how to create their own permanent food independence.

Children: We teach the importance of trees and their many benefits by working with schools and providing our activity/coloring book, Plant a Tree and Good Things Happen. Our book has received rave reviews and is now available in nine languages.

Farmers: We train farmers in classrooms and in the field. We teach various forms of tree propagation, planting patterns, watering and general care, and reaping. We’ve held dozens of training sessions in Haiti and Jamaica. Education about trees is for everyone!

Chefs and cooks: We are introducing interesting, tasty and nutritious new recipes that take advantage of fresh or preserved fruit. This provides variety and appeal especially to children, and leads to a retail market in food products.



TTFF runs some practical research. We greatly value academic research done by others but sometimes we just have to go out into the field ourselves.

With the help of some college students we conducted a study on breadfruit yield which you can learn about here. In addition, we conducted a logistics study mapping breadfruit buyers and sellers in Jamaica. You can learn more about that here.

Click here to see more academic research completed by friends and experts!