Trees That Feed Foundation

Tree Tracking Around the Globe

Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. That’s why we love to show you, instead of just tell you, how Trees That Feed Foundation is making change in our world. Now you can see the fruit trees we are planting in communities thousands of miles away. TTFF partners are tree tracking around the globe!

Fruit trees planted and tracked in Jamaica

Greenstand’s Treetracker is an amazing tech tool that allows us to see our trees superimposed on a Google Earth map. The maps are high definition satellite pictures taken from Earth’s orbit. We can also access a photo of the grower who has uploaded a shot of the tree using the app on his or her smartphone.

Treetracker serves as a verification that the trees we provided were indeed planted and planted well. It allows us to share in the excitement of our beneficiaries as together we watch their “babies” grow. We can even offer advice if things aren’t looking so good. Most importantly, it keeps us all accountable, as it brings transparency to the tree planting space.

Using a computer, click here to take a look at Jamaica, where all the trees tracked are TTFF’s. Click on the numbers to zoom in and see individual trees. (Note that not all of our trees have yet been tracked.)

This is the view from our admin account on Greenstand’s Treetracker. We verify every single tree.

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