Here is our breadfruit logistics study, funded by generous grants from Patagonia Foundation. The intent is to facilitate sale and purchase of breadfruit, to put buyers and sellers together, in order to improve local market efficiency.
Thanks go to TTFF representatives Syran Stewart and Paul Woollery for their diligent work collecting this information. The work continues and will be updated regularly.
Expand the map and you’ll be able to select various data points, zoom in, and find the details embedded in each data point. This map has nearly 500 farms mapped, giving the locations of over 12,000 breadfruit trees. And this is just the beginning!
We’ve plotted over 200 farms in Jamaica’s Rio Grande Valley, in the parish of Portland. This area of Jamaica is a very happy place for breadfruit trees. Similarly, we have over 100 farms mapped in each of St. Mary and St. Thomas. Each farm has at least 10 to 15 breadfruit trees within walking distance, meaning that reaping should be relatively easy. Check each point on this map and you’ll see where farms are located, along with contact information for each farmer.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]