TTFF partners with Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA) in Gonaives, Haiti. The first TTFF breadfruit trees planted through this partnership in 2014 are bearing fruit! Here is a photo of Jules Marcelus, SFA member and farmer, caring for his breadfruit tree. He is preparing to harvest and will use some of his fruit to feed his family and the rest to sell in the public market. Jules is planning to use his earnings from the breadfruit trees to pay for his kids’ schooling.
Here is photo of Jean Robert Florvil’s, another SFA member, breadfruit tree. Jean Robert lives in the Morancy community in Gonaives. He received three breadfruit trees from TTFF in 2014 and the trees are flourishing! Jean Robert says that he sees the trees as a way to feed his family and secure a better life. He cares for his trees tremendously well. Currently he can sell 12 breadfruits for approximately $8 USD. Jean Robert hopes to earn about $200 USD in income in just one harvest season, which will help him emerge above the poverty line.