Trees That Feed Foundation

Making Breadfruit Konparets

Fruit from the flagship tree of Trees That Feed Foundation, breadfruit, can be processed into flour and used in many recipes. We met these wonderful young people, Kayla and William, through a longtime partner, The Haiti Tree Project. Here, they are demonstrating how to make breadfruit konparets.

TTFF uses these nutritious and hearty biscotti-like buns in our Women’s Empowerment Program, as well as our School Feeding Program in Haiti. The ingredients they require are mostly available locally. Konparets have a long shelf life and are often enjoyed with a cup of tea.

If you would like to whip up some breadfruit konparets in your own kitchen, you can order breadfruit flour online through vendors listed here and here. The recipe is below.

Breadfruit Konparets recipe

The more we purchase breadfruit products and spread the word about breadfruit in North America, the more we are helping the farming families growing the trees in developing countries.

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