We all know that when we treat our fruit trees well, they respond with bountiful rewards. At TTFF, we’re still amazed at how quick transformation can happen. Look at this breadfruit in Barbados.

Within a five-week period, they went from barely surviving to thriving! All it took was organic fertilizer and water. See what some kitchen scraps can do?!
Thank you to Dr. Ken Banks, TTFF board member, and Barney Gibbs of Future Centre Trust, longtime volunteer. It took the two of them less than two hours to fertilize 50 trees!
The fruit trees that line Errol Barrow Highway serve as a community pantry. Anyone can come along and gather fresh, healthy food for the family. We have been planting there and across the island since 2010.
We appreciate the many hardworking individuals and groups who recognize the value of fruit trees and keep them growing and fruiting abundantly.