Our work in Central and South America is still beginning! We are currently working in Honduras, Belize, Costa Rica, and Suriname.
Costa Rica was one of the very first countries that TTFF started to support, by funding a shipment of 2,000 tissue culture breadfruit trees of new varieties in 2011. And in 2012 we supplied over 300 trees to a group, Kids Saving the Rainforest. Now, though, Costa Rica is pretty self sufficient in propagating and planting breadfruit trees, thanks to the work of Paul Zink and Earth University. And we understand that they are planning to produce breadfruit flour for export.
In February 2021, we sent breadfruit trees to Belize. Our contact, John Arana, received the trees and nurtured them before sending them off to all six districts in Belize. Seven months later, we received photo updates of the trees and looking strong and healthy! We have been conversing with a growing breadfruit network in Belize since then. In February 2023, again with the help of Mr. Arana, we delivered more than 500 more breadfruit trees to Belize. This country is ripe for the planting!
We also shipped trees to Suriname in 2016, working with Cultivaris, our supplier of tissue cultured trees.
We’ve received inquiries from Guatemala and Nicaragua. Hope to be there soon!