Older page … no logos … no longer used. Tentative idea, could we copy the other page people-partners here, title this Supporting Organizations, and re-use the people-partners page as the landing page for navigation purposes
Or make this the landing page make the people-partners the sub page. Or a whole new landing page.
Buddhist Global Relief, New Jersey
Buddhist Global Relief (BGR) works to combat chronic hunger and malnutrition. BGR pursues its mission by providing food aid, helping develop long-term methods of sustainable food production and management, promoting the education of girls and women to battle malnutrition and giving women opportunities to start livelihood projects. BGR has partnered with TTFF to help provide sustainable food sources to communities throughout the globe.
Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture, Kingston, Jamaica
The Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture partners with TTFF to distribute and supervise planting of TTFF trees at local farms throughout Jamaica. Paul Virtue, TTFF Executive Director, works closely with the Ministry to execute this initiative.
Jeffrey Town Farmers Association, Jamaica
Jeffrey Town Farmers Association (JTFA) seeks to improve the livelihoods of its members and wider community alike through a dedicated effort toward sustainable economic and environmental advancement. JTFA is a strong, vibrant association that specifically works toward making farming a profitable occupation to create economically secure communities. JTFA and TTFF work together to distribute trees to farmers.
Listen to JTFA’s radio station: Jet 88.7 FM
National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hawaii
The National Tropical Botanical Garden is dedicated to preserving tropical plant diversity and stemming extinction through plant exploration, propagation, habitat restoration, research and education. The National Tropical Botanical Garden’s Breadfruit Institute Director, Dr. Diane Ragone, has identified breadfruit cultivars with a range of characteristics, including lengthy growing seasons, appropriate for distribution.
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
In partnership with Northwestern University, TTFF is developing a kit to get farmers and co-operatives started with processing reaped breadfruit. Under the guidance of Dr. David Kelso, students at Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering are working to develop technology required to process breadfruit within rural communities. Thus far, we have developed a peeler, shredder, grinder, scale, drying racks and packaging materials for breadfruit flour.
Rural Agricultural Development Authority, Jamaica
The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) is a statutory body under the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture & Lands. RADA is committed to promoting the development of agriculture in Jamaica as the main engine of economic growth in rural communities. TTFF and RADA partner together to distribute TTFF trees to rural farmers and families.
Smallholder Farmers Alliance, Haiti
The Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA) works with small-scale farmers in Haiti to help restore tree cover and increase food production. They create agroforestry cooperatives designed to be self-financing and farmer-managed following a limited period of training and external funding. SFA’s innovative, market-based development model results in the planting of significant numbers of trees as well as higher food crop yields and improved livelihoods. TTFF and SFA partner together to provide trees to farmers in rural communities.
Three Angels Childrens’ Relief, Haiti
Three Angels Children’s Relief (TACR) works to help Haiti’s most impoverished children through providing highest-quality education and care. President Eric Helgemo has built a nursery in Port au Prince, Haiti, to grow breadfruit and other fruit trees for local distribution and sale. TTFF works with TACR to provide trees to Haiti’s highest-need communities.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
TTFF works with the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs to continuously assess our programs. Graduate students from the Humphrey School visit throughout rural Jamaica for six weeks, working with multiple local farmers and organizations. Students issue reports on the development and sustainability of the breadfruit market, along with key factors identified with successful planting and growing of TTFF trees.